Quote Originally Posted by Eldariel View Post
Well yeah, I was more wondering why so many clearly manaless champs are mana champs in the first place. I guess it's just the default resource management system in the game so meh.

But Spear applying Lifesteal would be no more special than GP's Parrrley applying Lifesteal; which it already does. As such, the concept, I feel, is not inherently overpowered.
GP's Parrrley holds a special place for me. I'm totally okay with it scaling off of AD-style items differently/more than any other ability, because it used to be the ONLY ability in the game which scaled off AD, and I preferred that design. A few champs that scaled off AD was neat; it made them unique. Now, though, all AD-related champs that come out scale off AD, and it's kind of meh to me. This is totally a personal preference thing, of course.

Quote Originally Posted by Eldariel View Post
Kat's AD scaling is actually better than her AP scaling (outside Shunpo, but Death Lotus and Bouncing Blades have strong AD scaling); the only reason you build her AP instead of AD is the fact that you need Spellvamp, MPen and in general, stats you only get from AP items. So in fact, the same exact problem we're talking about in the first place, only in her case the solution is "make her do magic damage" apparently.

But yeah, I feel she's a holdover from the time when abilities dealt magic damage period, and should be changed to the more modern design philosophy. Autoattacks I have no real problem with though I would prefer magical autoattacks of course.
I think you also build AP because it's cheaper point for point. AP vs. AD Kat sometimes switch places based on nerfs or buffs, and she's one of the very few hybrid champs we've got (even if she's never built that way at the moment). I don't see why we should lose the potential to be hybrid just so she can be another character that just stacks AD without really thinking about it.

Quote Originally Posted by Eldariel View Post
Well, I feel there's no reason for game design and sense to be in opposition in this case. I feel it would be entirely possible to change all current AD-scaling abilities to utilize Lifesteal and Critical Strike and, with some adjustments, maintain perfectly good balance while suddenly enabling the current itemization to serve all the champion categories.

Some changes would have to be made, sure. But that's, I feel, not nearly as heavy-handed as the changes that would need to be made to make AD caster itemization work with the present system. I feel even the old Gunblade was a bandaid fix at best; even then you wasted the AP stats and mostly the Lifesteal stats most of the time and that made me feel it really silly whenever I built it on champs that don't have solid AP scaling.
I think this would also be a massive buff to AD casters when they're already at around the right power level as a whole. I feel like all abilities should scale off Spell Vamp and auto attacks off Life Steal.