Gary Bell

[Really! So am I!

...are you sure you're not an alternate dimension version of myself?]

"Huh." Gary says finally.

He breaks his habits for once, and looks at Shiki.

"You're an anomaly: you're a legally dead Anomaly. You should be existing..."

He paces back and forth. "You shouldn't be existing: it's wrong, it doesn't make sense..."

Finally, he stops, and reaches a conclusion. He turns to face you.


He stops, then starts again.

"If you pretend not to exist when I'm here, and keep things really clean so that I don't notice your presence, and leave all my stuff alone..."

He struggles to enunciate this last phrase.

"I...guess you could live in this dorm room?"

Congralutations!!! You Have Gained +1 Room, with +1 Roommate!

Leavenworth Smedry

Leavenworth stops his chattering as he notices King Boomer's plight.

"Your majesty, I'm so sorry..." He says kindly.

And in a world where 'I'm sorry' is a platitude repeated over and over again until it losses significance...this manages to sound genuine.