Quote Originally Posted by Deadly View Post
I don't live in the US though, so I don't think that applies.

After a little more examination of the details, it seems about half of what I have to pay extra is import tax, which I suppose is what it is. Likely nothing to do about that, although I find it very annoying that I am not informed about this when I make my purchase.

The other half, or in fact a little more than half, is just the postal service charging me for figuring out how much import tax I have to pay. Apparently it differs a little who gets to do that and how much they each charge, and also it's not entirely clear to me when I have to pay import tax and when I don't. But either way, the local postal service charges outrageous sums for telling me how much I need to pay.

This seems to go back many years and seems it's had politicians very concerned about how it negatively affects international trade (I only have to pay import tax if I buy outside the EU), but politicians are apparently quick enough to voice their concerns but take forever to do anything about it.

So I don't have much hope. Especially because I'm not a terribly well-connected person who could get any kind of campaign moving. I'd get, like, maybe 5 signatures if I tried. It'd be pathetic

So I had an idea, Dragon Quest related
Do you think Spike and Twilight will learn that having a young phoenix living with them in a library full of old, dry books is a bad, bad idea? I smell a future episode... and smoke
Ah, yes that is unfortunate then. At least they're not strictly blackmailing you.

And it's Tuesday now, so we can dispense with spoilers maybe? Ah well, I'm sure that if I'm wrong a bunch of people will yell at me.

Regarding the library, I don't think a baby phoenix would be too much of an issue. We've already seen that Spike can breathe fire and has a minor dust allergy and most of the library remains intact. And wood is probably resistant enough to the tiny fires that a young phoenix would create that it's not especially likely to burn down the whole library.