Quote Originally Posted by LtPowers View Post
"I don't know," replies the bard with some resignation. "I suppose I had hoped you had some appropriate divinations prepared."

He ponders, "Even so, though, perhaps there are other steps we could take while the others are occupied. Surely someone outside this temple knows something. Perhaps masons or stonecutters who worked on its construction? Loggers who supplied lumber for doors and furniture?

Maesyn Silverhair
She looked at Maesyn skeptically. "And what would you have me pray to the Morninglord to uncover that which we already don't know? Starweaver Thar confirmed that he acted upon the suspicion that Tunaster was not of sound mind or a potential imposter; a hypothesis that I do not necessarily dismiss considering the accounts of both men. Tunaster demanded audience with the Temple's leadership, was denied, became belligerent, and then suddenly fled. Tunaster's account does not contradict this; in fact by his demeanour and paranoia at divining our own moral character without ever asking my name only reinforces it."

She shrugged. "It appears to me that this is a misunderstanding blown out of proportion by two paranoid men. Perhaps it is not so much of a surprise considering they worship the Lady of Mysteries. I believe a discourse between both parties to be by far the best course of action. Normally, I'd have thought the act of firing arrows at the Tunaster would be sufficient cause for concern but he did not feel the need to press charges with the local authorities on this point but rather just to investigate the premises and once more he 'suspects' they only did a cursory investigation."

Sighing. "The only counsel I can provide is speak with local authorities. I doubt builders would know much more outside of the general layout of the temple. The fact that Tunaster informed us it seemingly sprung out of nowhere implies that it was constructed through magic. Which is not out of the question when it comes to followers of that goddess. If any builders are involved, it is commonly performed by lay worshippers of the faith so they would likely support the temple proper."