Quote Originally Posted by Even Human View Post
It would require remaking all support champs except Ali, Leona and Janna, methinks. And it'd probably be easier to just them delete them entirely and later release new champions called things like Sarako, Tirac or S'nao.
Soraka definitely needs a rework from the ground up no matter what. All she is right now is a walking health/mana vending machine, which means she can't ever be good the way she is since she promotes ultra-passive play. She needs a new niche. Sona is mostly ok aside from her ult which somewhat restricts the rest of her kit. Taric seems like he's fine as is and just needs some love. Nunu and Blitz both seem fine. They're both rather specialized, but good at what they do. Am I missing anyone? That doesn't seem like that huge a load.