Tamara can tell the shop is fancy. Her brother always liked fancy shops; but she would sooner wait outside alone than be stuck in a fancy shop. Fancy shops are always full of boring things that break too easily. She was about to go outside (recalling a nearby rock which might have some neat bugs under it) when Briar and Morcaine discussion of suspicious books and magic initials pulls her attention to the rear of the shop.

Tamara scurries over, careful not to break anything on the way, and examines the letters. She announces, "I've never seen them before!" For about a minute she stands by while Morcaine grills the shopkeeper before finally interjecting, "sorry, Mister Ghoroven! Of course we are here about the ghosts and stuff! Morcaine is just suspicious of everything. As long as you didn't hurt anyone to get the book, we don't care where you got it."

She then turns to Morcaine and reproaches her loudly, "why do you have to harass every nice person in this town? If he thought the origin of the book could be of any use to us, of course he'd just tell us about it! He's not stupid! He's a wizard; wizards are smart! He knows that everyone in this town, including him, could die if we fail. The book obviously isn't important for us, so just be nice to him!"