Quote Originally Posted by Mathis View Post
Coming to the defence of that statement here. Supporting Reverent, and I think that our interpretation is most definately not pulled out of thin air. Rick was obviously (to me) concerned about the way he was raising his son, if you can't see it then that's that.
We don't disagree here, but the statement you supposedly defend said way more. Let me repeat it.

Quote Originally Posted by Reverent-One View Post
Because his son's outlook showed him the problems with his "Oh, it might be a threat? Better shoot it just in case." approach, specifically the effect following that approach has on people, for example on his son. It made him question why he's following that approach if it's one he wouldn't want his son to have. It's not the way a society should operate.
We have here not only how he raises his son, but also
Questioning the general approach to threats.
The effect of it on people other than Carl.
How society is supposed to work.

That is the conjecture I criticized. Far as I can see, it was all about how his son grows up and sees life.

And that in turn is my criticism of Rick's leadership. A leader's ultimate decision shouldn't be determined by how he raises his son. In a damn apocalypse there are way more important things to worry about.