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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default Re: General Exalted Discussion Thread IX: Errata is Combo-Ok!


    hat said, you're right about the Sorcerous keyword, which is really needed if you want the permanent effect, which is there to add some flavour and make it less convenient. You could easily imagine a situation where you'd like to break out of a prison without making your cell and the prison wall permanently useless.
    So, if I get it, I could run through walls and collapse manse?

    The warlock simply moves where he wishes, rendering any barrier permanently intangible as he penetrates it.
    So, if I step through Dawn Solar he is permanently intangible?

    To sum up: Your charms is ridiculous overpowered and badly written. You should just go back to drawing board.
    Last edited by Madwand; 2012-03-22 at 04:10 PM.