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Thread: In a zombie apocalpyse

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: In a zombie apocalpyse

    Quote Originally Posted by RockmanDotEXE View Post
    I always thought the best thing between you and a shambling corpse would be about 15 feet of space. In the event of actual weapons, I've been lead to believe crowbars are a pretty good melee. They're pretty strong, not too unwieldy and you can use them open boxes or boarded areas. I might not be remembering the advice right.
    Well, they are good as a last resort and as a utility device, and I would certainly carry one, but any time you can use one, you are almost certainly within reach of them as well, which is not where you want to be.
    A boar spear on the other hand can keep them at bay, giving your buddy time to whip out, say, a meteor hammer style weapon, or a really long handled sledgehammer, to smash their skull in.
    The one thing is you never want is a weapon that uses up irreplaceable resources except as a last resort, and in a full on apocalypse bullets are irreplaceable.
    Irreplaceable resources means constant looting to get more and looting will put you in conflict with other humans who want them as well, the real danger of the apocalypse.
    Same with bikes and horses verses motor vehicles. The latter may be faster, but use irreplaceable resources at an alarming rate.
    Last edited by Ravens_cry; 2012-03-23 at 03:09 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Calanon View Post
    Raven_Cry's comments often have the effects of a +5 Tome of Understanding