Quote Originally Posted by Anarion View Post
New Episode initial thoughts

Opening was really good. Fluttertree and Rainbow Dash recognizing Fluttertree. Combined with Rainbow recognizing Pinkie Pie in that hay disguise in season one, this is good evidence that Rainbow actually has really good perception.

1950s style film strip was spectacular. I'm curious what international viewers thought about it, since I associate it with a parody of the American school system and I'm not sure how widespread those kind of videos were.
New episode
Oh, there have been enough spoofs, parodies and allusions (especially in cartoons) to those things to be recognisable; and besides, that style is hardly unique to America (a lot of British stuff on the same a slightly earlier era was just as silly...)

Quote Originally Posted by otakuryoga View Post
today's episode 1st thoughts

Abacus! Luna is going to be jealous!

good overall..not much in the way of standout moments
and dear gawd the FlutterDash fuel...
Yes, I agree (no weak points (except maybe Spitfire not joining in, but as has been discussed, that is possibly debatable), though conversely, nothing was really extremely funny either; it was a good, solid episode overall), and very much yes...