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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Re: American Mythology Setting (Help is welcome!)

    Dominion certainly works better then empire, considering it's a democracy. Also, I sadly do not know know enough about the legends system because if I did I'd probally stat up the "draconians" for you....Also...as far as the Rectorum is concerned, would it just be one society, or would it be more along the lines of the modern usage of "illuminati" which actually refers to a massive web of societies. Either works, honestly, and as for the Lizardmen/"draconians" they can be as real or fake as you want them to be, and I think it would be neat if you basicly gave GMs in this setting leeway with them...as in say "They may exsist or may not, but thats for you to decide in your campaign world.." and then provide some kind of stats for them if a DM chooses to make them canon in their games, but don't come out and say they are canon...make them kinda like a myth which could or could not be true, but, again, is mostly thought of as crackpot rubbish by most NPCs...

    Also...they could be somehow mentioned in Boradoanian mythology as the "enemies" of the Old Gods. In fact, that would actually be a neat idea. The Bordonian Old Gods and the "Draconians" where both enemy species who long, long ago sent members of their species to earth. The Draconian intent would have been resource acquisition and terraforming of the planet, since their species would have been expansionist, imperialistic and greedy, and this lead them into conflict with the Old Gods and anybody else on the world at that time. The Old Gods defeated them in a war and thought them to be all dead but in reality they had just taken on new tactics and moved underground. They used their natural shape-shifting abilities to blend in with humans and, eventually, establish the Rectorum and slowly dominate much of the planet secretly, using businessmen and political and religious leaders as their pawns. Of course, Boradoania would still be an enemy, and the Empire-Bordoanian war could be rumored by some to have been a Draconian attempt to seize their ancient enemy's technology.

    Anyway...seem like an interesting twist?
    Last edited by Giegue; 2012-03-28 at 05:30 PM.