Semper Sursum sounds better then Excelsii to me, though I have no idea why. Both work, however. Also, I like the Reptilian Roswell thing, except I'd probably have it have happened sometime in the distant past. Not ancient, but pre-Dominion/Empire. I can see them taking control of a medieval/Renascence fraternal order and eventually transforming it into a Semper Sursum/Excelsii/Rectorum faction that they used to, eventually, help grow/expand capitalism, and eventually form the Dominion/Empire...In fact, if we used this idea we could even have a "split" in the Semper Sursum/Excelsii/Rectorum between the reptilian side and another side that broke off once the reptile side shifted the group's goals away from what it was meant for(enlightenment, an end to monarchy, can decide this.). I can see them being equally shadowy and willing to do "evil" things as the reptile side, but with much more benevolent goals.....they'd be more "anti-hero" while the reptile side would be more "villain" if you get what I mean.