Quote Originally Posted by Asta Kask View Post
I asked over on Queer Feminism - Avory Faucette is gender queer - what ze would prefer. Ze said Male/Female/Other (please specify) was fine and understood that leaving a blank space would mean trouble when time came to put together the data...
That's true, if it's something simple (loads of forms can't possibly need it that badly - like surveys, they just want it for statistics) they can just lump all the "other"s into a group on the pie chart. Or if, say, half of all people who ticked "other" wrote "genderqueer" they could make it a group.

Quote Originally Posted by Keveak View Post
I think it would actually be a good idea to file any strange answers you get on those forms, it could show patterns in human behaviour that might key us in to how to make people take forms seriously.

That's just my two Kobold copper pieces, though. I am far from a scientist. ^_^'

Do think that someone who would answer like that is unrealiable to answer truly on anything else either way, though. :3
Yeah, it would be interesting to see what people wrote down, but if they said their gender was toast, they're probably not putting (the right kind of) thought into their other answers either!

Quote Originally Posted by Serpentine View Post
I think with these job applications it has something to do with equality stuff - it's always somewhere near the "this business is an equal opportunity employer" statement thingy.
Yep, it's often used to make sure the interview process isn't biased one way or another. Like if you had 60% men and 40% women apply for a job, but 90% of jobs went to women, there's something weird happening along the way.

For pharmacy and stuff, it is important to have that kind of data. For example, some drugs are dangerous to people who might become pregnant, which includes no biological males. But it still doesn't work because then trans people have to either put the wrong thing on the form (ie their biological sex when it asks for gender) or, depending on where they are in a transition process, might end up with the wrong dose, or counted in the wrong survey group.

So, maybe for surveys and such it should be
( ) Male
( ) Female
( ) Other _____________

and for medical things, or things that are for studies involving chromosomes, hormones, etc, it should be
( ) Biologically Male
( ) Bioogically Female
( ) Transsexual Male to Female
( ) Transsexual Female to Male
or some variant? Then genderqueer etc people would answer on their biological sex and trans people would be included correctly. (Not perfectly, since everyone's different and particularly since people would be at different stages in transition, or choosing different paths for transition, etc, but at least they could be accounted for. And if it's for giving them a drug or something the doctor would know to check.)

Quote Originally Posted by Arachu View Post

No, it means you're pessimistically hoping you're wrong about pessimistically expecting to be wrong. They negate to optimism, though.

'Course, you also seem to be pessimistically tired of pessimistically hoping that your pessimistic expectations are incorrect - it's a bit confusing at that stage.