Quote Originally Posted by Arachu View Post
That would explain a lot... @_@

I'm actually been weirdly flexible for my whole life, but I was also really unhealthy so I haven't been able to properly exercise it yet. Now, though, I'm losing a lot of weight and drinking a lot more water (which is remedying that dehydration I've apparently suffered from my entire life). I still can't move as well as I've always felt like I should have been able to (yet), but I have more freedom of motion than I ever have... It's just great.
congratulations on your newfound Freedom of Movement, and I hope it develops further. I really need balance and flexibility for fencing. I would like to havethe flexibilty for other things, but because direct adress would go against board rules. So I'll just leave it at...
do it yourself...
Don't judge me, it's just something I always thought about and would like to try.

I formally apologize to those I have scarred...