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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: General Exalted Discussion Thread IX: Errata is Combo-Ok!

    So, has anyone used the Maidens of Destiny toward anything cool?

    Stuff From My Infernal Game
    I've been running "preludes," of sorts, with my Infernals players, to cover what the PCs have been doing in the downtime period. So far, I've had a moment in each prelude in which one of the PCs would encounter one of the Five Maidens, and also received an auspicious gift.

    • Ormagoden traveled to the Blessed Isle to discover the legacy of his previous incarnation. In his travels, he met musician who traveled with him. When he discovered the history of his past life, she revealed herself as the Maiden of Serenity, told him that he could bring about peace, and gave him a memory crystal. Among other things, the crystal contained his past life's memory of a potent artifact lute, and how he descended into the Labyrinth with it.
    • Among other things, Gene engaged in diplomacy with the Guild. When he finally settled some trade negotiations, the Guild merchants went on to do their business in Plenilune, but an elderly scholar remained behind, and told him that by travelling to Yu-Shan on Calibration, he could ensure that a great deal of knowledge would be preserved. She presented him with a starmetal key that whispers the location of the moving Yu-Shan gate.
    • Suacu heard about the god-forged artifacts given at Kokage's Tournament in the Flaming Arena. Judging the tournament along with Kokage was a woman in an iron mask. When Suacu won the tournament, she personally revealed that a great battle loomed, and gave him a dire lance, along with a few other prizes.

    I figure that Yuki's going to meet with the Maiden of Journeys (in the guise of a messenger), and Abbadon with the Maiden of Endings (who will present him with another way of finishing his artifact sword). However, I'm not sure what to give Yuki in this case.

    For the most part, playing with the Maidens has been pretty fun; even the savviest player so far only suspected he was dealing with a Sidereal, so the players were more than a bit surprised at the revelations. I tried to foreshadow it a bit by having them take up roles related to their constellations; Venus was a musician, Jupiter was a scholar, and Mars had a spear. I also made a point of acting out their "Resisting Questions" specialty.
    Last edited by TheCountAlucard; 2012-04-01 at 01:51 PM.
    It is inevitable, of course, that persons of epicurean refinement will in the course of eternity engage in dealings with those of... unsavory character. Record well any transactions made, and repay all favors promptly.. (Thanks to Gnomish Wanderer for the Toreador avatar! )

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