First off: Oh wow. That was awesome! As a backdrop for a world, this was superb. I was literally riveted.

Quote Originally Posted by Landis963 View Post
The four Greatest Mages of the Alabasan court, Obsid the illusionist human, Saala the kiria healer, Dekon the druid elf, and Aqua the aventi water mage grew tired of the decadence and arrogance of their fellow courtiers. They gathered several like-minded populations and set out after faking their deaths and liberating four magic nexi, with the high-octane funeral proceedings covering their escape.
So, they blew up the Court when they left? Kill 'Em All: When “I Quit!” just will not do.

Quote Originally Posted by Landis963 View Post
Of course, that's what everybody thinks happened in the days of the Minds' arrival in Almantha and their ascension. The truth is... slightly different. Aqua, Saala, Dekon, and Arrusif knew they were going to become gods ever since they set eyes on Almantha. Arrusif suggested immortality as the solution to a lack of successors, Dekon suggested they be set up as gods, Aqua figured out how to pull such a feat off, and Saala wrote the laws they would use after their ascension. Once the plan had been decided, each returned to their ships and Saala brewed up a storm to send them their separate ways. Dekon and Arrusif lashed their ships together, while Aqua pushed hers and Saala's ships together while Saala "assisted" (that is, continued to fake the storm). Saala's and Aqua's arguments later were staged, as a pretense to split up further and colonize more of the continent. Much of Obsidia's founding is remembered unadulterated to the present, but with one difference. Arrusif founded what would become Obsidia, but he knew that if he didn't make it worth the dragon's while for them to stay, they were literally toast. So he gave up his spot as Mind of Obsidia to the dragon, and named the city after the dragon Obsid as a show of fealty. He and Dekon devised a... messier method of immortality, to avoid being parted, and they are fiercely loyal to each other to this day. On the day of ascension, Arrusif's body was already dead, a puppet of Aqua's meant to be taken underground, converted into a lich form by Dekon, who would then cast the spell to return Arrusif's mind to his now skeletal and vine-choked remains. Once he was rebuilt, he was shocked to learn of Obsid's changes to the history books, erasing his name and replacing his own. When he saw the gifts that Dekon and the others gave to Obsid, he stormed off, swearing revenge. Arrusif's name was also immortalized as the name of the religion they built around them, Fissura.
I love this! An ancient and deadly undead foe who holds as his trump card the secret of the entire continent's religion, and he is legitimately pissed for getting rubbed out of the First Edition Bibles. I can't help but get a vibe out of this. I can see the PCs finding out the truth behind the Minds and basically having the same reaction as the Dark One from Oots towards the Gods after ascension: “What did you do!?”

A compelling mystery, with a setting-shattering revelation. Awesome. You are Awesome.