Union of Orbital Nations [PM]
Our project was a major success. While not yet sufficient for the AI project, it is comparable to the shift from vacuum tubes to transistors in terms of miniaturization.

Our own armed forces are approximately forty percent the size of the largest terrestrial military.

Now, there is another matter which we must bring before the Union. This last year, Station 9 and the Varunas engaged in aggressive purchase of considerable amounts of UHI stock. We now control perhaps a third of the company. We have negotiated a deal to bring all their assets into a program of mutual enrichment for all of us.

A single major NI asteroid contains enough material to supply all human industry for five million years at current production levels. The Union, including UHI now, will capture such an asteroid and set is spinning on a single axis. Our Helios array will be re-purposed to slowly heat this asteroid until it melts. Because it is spinning and molten the materials will spin separate saving us the work of refining it.

With easy access to billions of tons of refined metal we will be able to bypass the cost of shipping material into orbit almost entirely. We will be able to drop material to earth cheaply, and sell it for rates far below current market price. This will allow us to drive out all Terran mining that isn't running at a loss. We can then disassemble these industries and raise prices and output to monopoly levels. We will all be rich, our economies will boom, and we will be irreplaceable to the remainder of humanity.

We believe that this will be the best course to economic recovery of the moon empire and should be the major beneficiary of as much of the Unions and UHI's economic capacity for the near future.

We have offered UHI the option of repurchasing back all its stock and convinced them to direct to this project all financial gifts given by other nations. We presumed that would be the likely outcome and planned accordingly.