Sephyrdiam- Well, That Turned Out Better Than Expected

In a single swoop, all of Sephyrdiam's fears and concerns were tossed into the wind, and he still knew that he had an ally. Of course, there was always his brother he had to deal with on an occasional basis, but he would always be a nuisance. But now... what was to become of Sephyrdiam. For once, instead of looking to the ideals he represented, he looked directly at himself.

"Balance... I thought I could understand it and hold up its statutes myself..."

Sephyrdiam's wounds healed in but the blink of an eye. He rose one of his hands, looking at it, turning it, feeling the divine musculature of tendons and blood pulsing through it.

"I even thought that I as a God of Nature could handle Natures care myself... this too is not the case."

Sephyrdiam turned to Voimond, his ally.

"What good am I then if I need help to simply be a God, Voimond? Can you answer me that?"