New Draconia, Terros and Gorros

When the great worms came, and the swarms advanced from their putrid hole, the Kobold armies gnashed their fanged jaws, and stomped their clawed feet, and they charged forward with fear driven from their hearts, reptilian muscles bulging from extensive training, and amplified with the magical fury of creatures far, far larger, their flesh and bones like hardened leather and iron, as they fought back with poisoned spears and sharp edged axes.

When the massive worms erupted from the ground to devour their kin, those to be eaten suddenly began sweating toxins from between their scales like the slimy amphibians of exotic locales. Kobolds met the onslaught of insects with snapping jaws and flashing weapons, and beasts of their own, huge Ceratopsids lashing out with horn and powerful beaked jaws at anything in their path as riders in their Howdahs through javelins at anything that scuttled or flew.

Theromancers lashed out with poison sprays, acid breath, summoned fangs erupting from the ground like the Cthonian beasts they had summoned, and huge walls of scale and bone were conjured to cover the holes the huge worms had created. Even as the Kobolds fought, killed, and died to stem the tide of insectoid forms, chanting voices rose all around the city, as the most powerful Theromancers joined together in an ultimate example of predator-prey dynamics, terrain advantage. Even as the Preyomancers worked to cover the holes in the ground and walls, and keep the Karish and Kyorl underground, the combined might of their compatriots worked to turn the whole of the city into a rising swampland, foul brackish water rising, fog rolling down, and the many beasts of the swamps along with it, giant crocodiles, alligators and snakes powering through this newly summoned water. The Kobold of Terros and Gorros would see if the Karish and Kyorl could swim with their insectoid carapaces as well as Crocodile and Kobold could power through the waters...