Conall sat in meditation in his room, stripped to the waist. The apothecary had tended to the worst of his wounds; with that aid and his own accelerated healing rate, his wounds were practically mended. (OOC - I hope ) He had cleaned his weapons and armor, and make repairs to the rents in his chest plate, noting the battlescars made it even more impressive than before. It was an honor to wear it in combat, and he prayed he would be worthy of the its former bearers.

Now that he was alone with his thoughts, he focused on mentally reviewing recent events with an eye for how to better improve his own efforts. The Deathwatch was a small group, and each member needed to be more than just a simple Astartes, if there was such a thing. Standing on the front line of a war against numberous evils - Chaos, Xenos, Traitors ... it required each marine to be more than he thought he could be. His brothers had shown him skills and abilities that made his own pale in comparison, and he did not wish to disappoint any of them ... nor fail them when the stakes were so high.

As he focused on ways to improve his own efficiency, his solitude was interrupted.

"ATTENTION ALL CREW. PREPARE FOR LORD THEOCLES" The words blarred out as the standard choral music quieted down to a backdrop of instrumental beats.

"Men of the Imperium. I am troubled." The inquisitor's rasping tone echoing in every corner of the vessel. "I am troubled as a father is troubled by his wayward sons. The seeds of corruption amongst my own children. The touch of the xenos. And the filth of betrayal. A harsher man would purfge with fire and interrogators... But I am not harsh."

After a long pause that surely gave a moment of introspective soul-searching to the less pious among the crew, the Inquisitor continued.

"We have been gifted a vision. A chance to serve the Empire in the most important of ways and we shall do so. We shall do so or we shall die in our attempts. If we must sacrifice every life of us aborard this great vessel we will succeed. Remember your prayers. Fear the mutant, Abhor the xeno and Purge the heretic".

Conall nodded to himself, the words of a mere human instilling him with increased fervor to take the fight to their enemies. Standing, he gathered his robes and proceeded to the main Chapel. Surely they would receive orders soon. Surely they would be given the opportunity to serve the Emperor. To test themselves against the Darkness. To defend Humanity against the Demon, the Devourer and the Deceiver.

And he would be ready.

Just figured I'd get a jump on our next adventure ... felt like I was loosing touch with my inner combat monster