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    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default Re: Magic: The Gathering XIII: What A Horrible Night To Have An Enchantment- Curse

    There's a few big differences though. Both cost 7 rather than 8, which is a lot less. Just resolving Elesh Norn does a huge amount to stabilize you, since she's a Plague Wind that stays on the field against a big chunk of the format. Drogskol Reaver isn't quite as good there since they actually get a chance to kill him, but if they can't he does what Baneslayer used to in old UW control. He neutralizes their first attack, then as soon as he starts swinging puts the game well out of reach. Plus Reaver is just seeing niche play AFAIK and isn't a format staple the way Elesh Norn is. Has it put up any results aside from a single top 32 in SLC?

    All Avacyn gives you is a blocker, and there's going to be a lot of spots where you'll cast her then die on the crackback.

    I don't think that's it's impossible that she sees play, but I think it's quite unlikely. Her most likely role is as a control finisher, and I don't see how her abilities give her a niche there.
    Last edited by Suedars; 2012-04-04 at 08:13 PM.