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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default Re: Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire, Mk. XLIV: Stunt Bro and Hella Jayden

    What I really want to know is what Mookie thinks college is like. I'm a female in a very male dominated field, but never once have I walked down the street and had guys calling out crude sexual passes at me. I mean, am I just hanging out in the wrong parts of campus?

    I have plenty of classes where I'm the only girl, but seriously? Everyone is pretty focused on actually getting the education they're paying for. Nobody's interested in getting expelled for sexual harassment (also, I think most of them are just decent people who wouldn't commit harassment in any case).

    Didn't 'hahaha look at those wacky frat guys, totally obsessed with beer and sex and nothing else' go out of style in, like, the 80s or 90s?

    Edit: Speaking of, didn't Mookie once mention that he changed the werewolves' culture because he decided that "Noble, honorable northern culture" was overdone? So . . . he decided to replace it with wacky frat guy shenanigans. Because that's totally not overdone at all.
    Last edited by Helanna; 2012-04-06 at 11:17 PM.