Weasel rolled your knowledge nature for you and you got stupidly high allowing you to not only pinpoint that the turkey vulture was immune to dragonblight. There may be a few other creatures as well.

As Malain and Smog continue their discussion the roc who brought our toady assassin here flies into the fortress and quickly falls into another fitful sleep

Smog: Well brother Malain, we will had out when our avian friend wakes. It is a shame that our brothers from bird stock tire so quickly, just as our aquatic friends drown. Such is the price of freedom from the Star Gods.

Smog then retires to an inner room of the keep leaving Malain only with the zombie-like walkers. They were humanoids whose mind and body were not strong enough to retain sapience through the transformation into dragonspawn. Their skin is a patchwork of light blue and dark purple scales and with teeth too large and crooked to fit allow their mouths to ever fully close, but at the same time too far apart to conceal the mouth's grotesque inner regions.

One of these walkers leads Malain to the food Smog referenced earlier. It is a pile of animal carcasses most of them boars covered with a coating of acidic dragonspawn saliva, preserving it from all but the most indiscriminate of scavengers and bacteria. There is still one walker guarding it from occasional raids by turkey vultures, a creature famous for eating even the most disgusting of carrion and curiously unaffected by the dragonblight.
Siggeir and Lester are able to quickly reach the coast and observe Joan and Father George exiting the vehicle shop with two muskoxen, but can also see a hooded man wearing a necklace of human teeth exiting the bar they just teleported from followed closely by Istid and Anthony.