Quote Originally Posted by Yora View Post

I vote for Planescape/Zamonia. In my mind, Zamonia already is a country in Planescape.
Well, yeah. I think no one debates that

THat said: China Mieville's Kraken is about as close as one can get to a Planescape novel while still being set in modern London.

Another idea I had, based on the last two media I consumed:

When I brought it back, they cried fake, as they always do, these small, puritanical minds, whenever they encounter things that lie outside the little circle of comfort their minds can comprehend, denying the things beyond briefly illuminated by flashes of true science.

But not me. In the small hours of the night, I still hear that piercing cry, and see that distant, slender shape. So I went back, to these foetid jungles of the new world. I vowed to bring one back alive, if that word applies.

I had to kill others who tried, of course. Many bones are burried here, under the roots of the hungry rainforest trees. Explorers, Adventurers, Hunters. I could not take any chances. I have to be the one to bring it back. For only I have seen it, heard it, felt it, dragged those twisted bones out of the forest and into the light.

I took my hounds with me, my only companions. They were not sufficient for this hunt. And so, with science some would call terrible, but that a true materialist like me can only call practical, I changed them, deformed them. I have given them reasoning akin to that of a man, though lesser, and the power to form simple sentences. I hear them now, outside my room, the same words, repated over and over.

One day, I will succeed.


I think I saw a shadow, just now, over the distant mountains, floating in the air. So, finally it has happened... someone has built a new flying contraption, to sail to these cliffs at the end of the world, to steal my fame. But I am prepared...

Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am mixing Lovecraft and Pixar's Up.