Shard nods ackowledgement to Xaxhan.

"Indeed, I have been attempting to comprehend their moniker as well. They are not made of Emerald..."

It looked at Grimmgang and Daiya.

"I agree there is more at work here. The temple seemed outwardly undisturbed. Perhaps the Eye was intended to be interred there but was moved at the last moment, before the Crypt was sealed and warded. If it had been plundered prior, why leave the remaining artifacts?"

Finally it looked to Sur'kil.

"I am inclined to help you so we can uncover the mystery of what has happened to us."

It paused. "However, as you may well be aware, such a stipend only covers our most basic costs. We depend on ancillary spoils for our endeavors to maintain our preparedness. With our last contract, we made good by recovering many valuable items separate from your desired artifacts. Should we accept your offer and pursue this Eye, what other compensation will be made available. While I do not eat or drink as my fleshling companions are required to, the upkeep of this body is nonetheless a significant expense....and I have no wish to start selling off pieces of myself."

It paused, seeming almost sorrowful.

"Yes. I have been noticing the way the people here gaze at if I was also an object to plunder..."