Quote Originally Posted by orb_of_blood View Post
Kestrel laughs a little herself, deciding she rather likes Jacob. Until... wait, no, she wasn't meant to laugh. Dammit all, five hundred years and the mask was still difficult to wear. Of course, her siblings were the least amusing creatures ever, so it was easier around them.

She takes Jacob's offered hand delicately, careful not to scratch him with what appear to be very long and wickedly sharp draconic claws. Kestrel. Of her tolerance... well, it becomes somewhat clear that she isn't a heavy drinker, as the words have already started taking on a mildly slurred tone.

Nexus? What? How'd I teleport myself unknowingly off my planet? Ooh her master would not be pleased with that at all. I've heard of this place. It's already sucked in too many of my siblings. I'd hoped to avoid it, but... she shrugs.
Pyrus notices the commotion caused by the beautiful, if apparently deadly creature. He stares for a minute behind his round glasses before he opens his mouth to say something, but decides not to. Apparently he doesn't particularly like talking to new people. He goes back to deciphering the copy of an ancient tablet. Pyrus decodes the hieroglyphic runes with a runic dictionary he probably made himself, and a calculator...how odd. The man with the premature white hair and brown eyes turns back to Kestrel. Er....you were teleported here? He adjusts his glasses. Which seem to be a habit of his.