Quote Originally Posted by Eadin View Post
"We just called it Heaven."
She stops to ponder something for a moment before continuing.
"The demons of our world are fallen angels, the servants of God. He cast them out after they tried to take over. Obviously they want back in. Hence the soul trading. He gave me his power in return. He's powerless now, sort of human."She frowns.
"I don't think you should see yourself like that. They turned you into something against your will, but you're still Frederick. I don't think your Emperor will punish you for something you have no fault in."
At that reply Freddy balks! Folds his ears back in shocked and everything! "Heaven? You mean... you mean like the sky?"

What's so wrong with the sky?

"That's Azazel's domain. A horrible cold, bleak, dark place. Though... I, heh," ears start perking up a little again. "I guess it's probably different in your world, isn't it? Angels... I haven't ever heard that word before... Maybe they're like Archons?"

Probably not like Archons. Archons are more or less akin to Saints.

As she continues Freddy begins slouching again, looking increasingly uncomfortable. "No it... it doesn't work like that. Discord can't exist in the Golden City. The best I can hope for is being set to work in the Emperor's Refinery when I die... And if I displease the Emperor I might be consumed by Discord instead..."