Quote Originally Posted by Maxios View Post
"Ma'am," Jack says, "I was sent to this...Nexus with only the clothes on my back, two packages, and a travel guide that is severely out of date. Perhaps...you could do it for free? The knowledge you would gain about the Nexus would surely cost more they any currency. And you know what they say, about knowing being half the battle."

"We can get knowledge anywhere,"
Wolf points out, probably frowning, though it's hidden by the helmet. "So no, no deal. Get us money, goods, or information on the rest of our team, and we're hired, but 'free' isn't an option."

Quote Originally Posted by Zefir View Post
((Didn't read the name so I wasn't sure who she is.^^))

"Oh yeah right. The last trapp was horrible. Got some time running and slowing. Lellienth was it, right?"

Mr. C jumps down from Fredderik who still didn't seem to notice him.

"White beginns, black winns. I take black."
In that case, one of his knights is a Huldra, specifically Fredrick, while the other is Ermine. His king and queen are Spreagadh and Elanna, and one of his bishops is Sticks and the other Kestrel. His rooks are Cathy and Wolf, with seven of his pawns being Fear, Sorrow, Torment, War, Carrion, Weary and Despair (all of whom, save Despair, are scattered throughout Trog's); the last pawn slot is filled by Nina, the Tiefling server here.

Lellienth's pieces have Angela and Lightning Lass as king and queen, and the Baobhan Sith and Bean Sidhe as pawns, along with Paige and Ashna. One of her rooks is Apprentice-Pilot, and the other a ghost (an NPC sitting in a secluded corner as far away from Fredrick as possible), while her bishops are Phoebe and Ambrosia. Her knights are a pair of werewolves, one male, one female, the analogues of which are sitting near them at the bar.

"Yep, that's my name," she replies, moving the female werewolf (who started on black) three squares forward and one left, as she sees the board (or three forward and one right from Mr. C.'s perspective).