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Thread: [Nexus] Trog's Tavern CCXLI

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Trog's Tavern CCXLI

    Quote Originally Posted by celtois View Post
    Silly Lelli, drinking is bad for your health.
    (Also whew. Essay draft mostly done now. 2684 words. So I'm a bit on tired of writing side. Probably won't stay online too long this time.)

    Well then Lass. I think you just gave some advice. Good one. ....Lets hope you're right. Social heroing is what that is.

    Lightning Lass is now definitely starting to get more on the tipsy side, as she polishes off her third drink of the night. "From what I know of HALO, they aren't exactly likely to shoot you for your past." (Sleep with you maybe, but not shoot you. ) Wandering is tough, particularly when you feel like you're being driven to it by guilt. Lightning Lass can definitely understand the almost wishing for ones death over that. "So long as you don't drop everything at once. Things tend to be taken better if you don't have to deal with it all at once." Thankfully she still seems to be thinking sober for now.

    Lass...are you ordering another drink? probably should do that. Lass! ...Oh whatever, you can drink if you want to.
    It does tend to be slightly less so when you're friends with a deity and a healer, though. Still, she probably shouldn't have had that one thing that was spitting bubbles hard enough to ding the ceiling...

    "Fortunately, they already know most of the big picture," Lellienth agrees with a nod, seeming somewhat cheered. "Where I got my scars, for instance.

    And if they're not one of the members who's met me, they might be... Llolthites aren't exactly well thought of there, and it's hard to tell me from one without talking to me."

    It seems the drowess is thinking somewhat less soberly than Lass, and has forgotten that she's wearing her hood, gloves, etc. Even though she always does that in public. Though to be fair, she had stopped after Din removed the scars, for the few weeks until they came back.

    As for her wandering, she's less 'driven to it by guilt' and more 'driven to it out of a desire to avoid having to actually show her face, stemming from a desire to not get lynched/burned/otherwise killed'.
    Last edited by Lady Serpentine; 2012-04-13 at 01:57 PM.