My group just won the battle of bryndol. Afterwards, I counted their victory points with them. They got 68 of the required 40, even though they did not do some minor things (and got no points for most of the things I added to the adventure).

So my Impression is, that the goal of 40 VP is far too low.

Has any group ever NOT made this treshold?
And how did they do it? Run from every dragon? Not left bryndol after drellins ferry?

I really like the fact that the module provides a "losing option". But is it not too improbable that it ever comes into play?

and, given that it is only possible to stay under the treshold by letting most of the enemy commanders live, will not the battle of bryndol be pretty impossible anyway? I mean, you will have Kharn, Ulwai, Ghostlord, koth....and five dragons, if you are really unlucky.