Up in the air

((No, they're still flying. She's not going to set him down while feeding, or else he could walk away.))

She closes her eyes. She cannot 'taste' energy per se, but she can feel it enter her through her palms pressed against him, even through his jacket. Every creature's energy felt different.

A wolf's felt like the hunt. A deer's felt like fear. An otter's felt free. And Pyrus...

Pyrus felt wonderful! Intelligent, free, secluded...


She leans in, tilts her head against his, and draws him a little closer, until he's pressing against her completely.

She sips the energy from him faster now. It's still a gentle draw, and still quite slow, but he'd undoubtedly be able to feel that something's happening. Perhaps it's a faint drowsiness, a peaceful, even relaxing feeling as she takes the energy.

My planet is even more beautiful. But this is stunning. Look Pyrus, see the dolphins playing in the water below us? The wind in your hair, the sunset just for us, the fresh salty sea air... she loves it here already! And she's beginning to feel happier as she steals his energy. More alive.