
Alias: Breaker-Of-Oaths, Runt, things of this nature. Though she will never suffer being called these to her face.
Gender: Female
Race/Species: Half-Orc.
Age: 18
Alignment: CN bordering on CE
Class/Profession: Barbarian that can't stand nature.
Power Rating: C or so in combat, D or so in most other things, E or so in wilderness survival.
Description: Xerga essentially looks like what an attractive warrior-woman would look like if one removed the attractiveness, by doing something such as making her a Half-Orc.
Personality: Has immense inferiority complex, which she demonstrates through aggression--especially towards people who out her on her incompetence.
Equipment: A slightly magical greataxe that gives great power to the worthy...which unfortunately she isn't, but...
Abilities: "Hitting things over the head" sums all her skills up.
Backstory: The short version is that she was the tribal screwup in a tribe that consisted of both humans and orcs--she couldn't even pass basic survival tests, and eventually got a large portion of her tribe killed. She now serves the evil, shadowy figure that prevented her from also being killed, though she's been waylaid from her duties.