Quote Originally Posted by singingnoodle View Post
Hovering over Cliff

Pyrus lays on her and eventually starts to sleep. He was suddenly so tired. So...tired...ugh... He falls asleep in her arms.
Kestrel continues to hold him for several minutes, continues to fly and enjoy their surroundings, the salt-saturated breeze, the diminishing light.

It really is pretty Pyrus, she doesn't sound five hundred years old. But then again, for an immortal dragon, that's not altogether very old either. Her oldest sibling is two thousand, and is considered a 'respectable' age only!

She continues to cradle him as she spins in the air and flies back to the city. He's so much easier to carry when asleep...

She can only remember the directions to one place... Trogs! So Pyrus can find the continuation of this post on Trogs second floor, as she slips quietly through a window on the upper floor of the tavern.