Quote Originally Posted by Silva Stormrage View Post
Kel thinks to himself for a bit then speaks, Is there an election soon? That would explain why she doesn't want anything bad to be exposed close to an election. Still, maybe there is some way to calm her mind. Maybe if we capture Curion, the murderer who killed the barkeep last night, we could frame him for the act of theft. To be honest he and his helpers might have been the ones who have done it anyway. That way she can keep her reputation before the election
"Yeah, there is an election in just 2 months... Wait! Did you just say Cruorin? As in Cruorin from the Amethyst?" He looks worried.

Quote Originally Posted by INoKnowNames View Post
"Captain of the Guard, huh?" Tarmikos muses out loud. "Hopefully you're made of a bit more fiber than the members of your guard we encountered earlier. Fleeing from the line of duty when only asked questions... embarrassing." He shakes his head in disgust as he remembers the men from the bar. "I do have a number of things I'd like to ask, but I kinda wanna see where the rest of our group went to. Power in numbers, after all." Tarmikos looks into the sky, thinking about the people he met recently, and remembering his fallen allies. I can't repeat the mistakes that were made last time. Not if I can help it.
"Wait... are you saying that there were guards here? I sent all of them to the scene of the murder..."

Quote Originally Posted by INoKnowNames View Post
Tarmikos is snapped out of his thoughts by Imaran. "I had no intention of trying to capture any of them." He responds to Imaran. "I assumed, and still hope, that we have access to the one that...." Tarmikos taps his forehead, trying to remember. "Kel! That's his name." he exclaims while snapping his fingers. "That we have access to the one that Kel captured. I wanted to follow them and see if I could find a possible hide out. And I -might- have found something, but walking into an ambush certainly isn't wise."
"You guys managed to capture one of them? Where is this person now!?"

Quote Originally Posted by INoKnowNames View Post
Hearing the dwarf's voice again, Tarmikos focuses on him. "I was hoping you'd be able to answer similarly, considering you should have far more immediate access to information, due to your standing, connections, and length of time working here, than myself. I've only been in this town for a day, looking for a criminal. I suppose I can't say its good fortune that I encountered him today, just after murdering one of the citizens your guard is -supposed- to be responsible for."
"Given that I am the first guard on this scene, I don't see where I could have gotten information about this battle. I only knew that that was one because one of the fleeing civilians stopped off at the guard station."

Quote Originally Posted by INoKnowNames View Post
Catching his fury, the adventurer closes his eyes and focuses his breathing. As he meditates, he retrieves his long sword, and practices his form. I can't blame anyone but myself for any of this. Lashing out at those who can help only condemns me even further. I have to do what's right, to the best of my abilities. As he finishes calming himself down, he throws the blade into the air, and catches the weapon in its scabbard.
"Impressive. You seem to know your way around a sword."

Quote Originally Posted by INoKnowNames View Post
"Pardon me if I am cross. The day is still so young, yet it has already been incredibly taxing. If you don't mind my asking, maybe we can talk while heading back to the scene of the crime? We had a few people there... I think one or two that were members of a local church, that could help us try to put everything together. Hopefully we'll run into some of the people who helped us today, too."
"Very well. Let's go see what they've found." He starts walking there. (I'll assume that the person whose idea it was goes as well, but I never know.)

You make it very hard to interject when you post 5 paragraph essays.