Quote Originally Posted by tyckspoon View Post
Paging Djinn In Tonic, Djinn In Tonic to the League thread please.
Roger that, tyckspoon. Djinn In Tonic reporting to the League thread.

Quote Originally Posted by TechnOkami View Post
I have a couple of games, but Djinn's our resident expert on AD carrying, so I'll let him blabber on about 'dat rat.
Blabber blabber blabber.

Quote Originally Posted by Dragonus45 View Post
Commissioner Gordon, stat up the Djinn signal, someone asked a carry question.
Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a highball glass with a slice of lime! It's DJINN IN TONIC!


Right. AD Carry Twitch. Twitch is actually a really strong AD carry. As we saw from Arb's AD Carry Table, Twitch's total damage output is second only to Sivir's. Sadly, new Twitch is slightly harder to itemize: on old Twitch, you got boatloads of free Attack Speed, which let you build basically straight damage and a Madred's Bloodrazor for instant shredding of pretty much everyone ever. Fun times.

New Twitch likes a mix of things, although he again loves damage, damage, and more damage, mixed with a bit of attack speed. He's really squishy, and, in this day and age of painful, painful lanes (top lane heavy bruisers, jungle-invade bruisers, carry/support bot lane combos), I'd start with boots and several Doran's Blades as your initial build, with a Wriggles if you really need it (i.e. if you're losing the lane hard, or you're jungling and want more speed), because Twitch wants as much farm as possible.

Your core items are boots (Zerker's or Mobility...not Treads, since a caught Twitch is a dead Twitch, CC reduction or not), Infinity Edge, and Black Cleaver (AD? AS? Armor shred to an entire team when you Ult? Yes please). I would also get Madred's Bloodrazor, Bloodthirster, Phantom Dancer, and/or Defensive Items (only Frozen Mallet or Banshee's Veil her...others aren't really worth it on Twitch) if you need them. Madred's against tanky teams, otherwise you probably want 1-2 Bloodthirsters and 1-2 Phantom Dancers to taste.

Twitch is about positioning, positioning, and positioning. Your stealth is nice, but think of it as an Attack Speed booster that *happens* to have an escape stuck on...you want to be aggressive with it more often than cautious with it, although it *can* save your life. Also save your Ult for when you can use it most efficiently, unless the extra damage is needed to keep you alive.

The real issue Twitch has is that there's no good lane for him...so my guide must really stop here. Many tops stomp him flat, mids will eat him alive, he's a slow jungler who you can counter easily, and he's also trodden on by many bot comps. I'll see if I can play a bit more Twitch over the next few weeks and get back to you with some more first-hand experience with Twitch in the current game.