He seems pretty levelheaded (for a Krogan) both on Virmire and even if you sabotage the cure. This is particularly apparent when you and C-Sec reduce his HP to the point that it really should have kicked in. So maybe he doesn't.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is not that the Krogan don't deserve a chance. Given the choice between curing them and not curing them, I would pick curing them - so long as either Wrex or Eve is alive (preferably both.)

But given the choice between curing them completely, and merely weakening the genophage to say, 1 in 50 (up from 1 in 1000) I would personally go that route. Still slow, but a given pair of Krogan can still sire dozens in a lifetime if they focus on doing that (rather than rushing off to war or other conflicts.) Maybe even 1 in 10.