Quote Originally Posted by LordShotGun View Post
Which is what mordin TRIED to do. He wanted to stabilize krogan populations back to normal levels not neuter them. Every female was capable of giving birth, it was just that the females would lose hope after giving birth to 999 stillborns and not waiting for that 1000th one. Only the krogans saw this normal birthrate as hopeless for survival (and possibly was with the females committing suicide out of despair) and went off to do their own thing.
Yeah, the Salarians bungled the math pretty badly. ("Too many variables.") That doesn't mean the concept was untenable, merely that they dropped a decimal point somewhere.

Pity that when they had a chance to fix it, and by they I mean Mordin, they didn't look at the Krogan situation at all, merely concluding "1 in 1000? Yeah that's what we arrived at before, roll it forward and punch the clock so we can get off this dustball."

As far as Wrex and Eve, all I can heartily recommend is that we take Garrus' suggestion of getting them both a food-taster.