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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: Mass Effect 3.5B: Taste the Rainbow (Story and Ending Discussion; Spoilers!)

    Quote Originally Posted by LordShotGun View Post
    But the ad specifically says that the reaction was toward the endings. While I agree that ME3 was over all pretty good, the ad is calling out the fan hatred towards the endings and calling it a good thing.

    The rest of the game aside, can you really say that you had zero problems with the ending?
    Not directed at me, but I can jump in. Yes. I had zero problems with the ending.

    I had the common nitpicks (where did Starkid come from, why is Joker running away, although I attributed Joker running away to me killing EDI and him trying to save her), but I got my big boom, my galaxy-saving, Reaper-slaying blast. My Shepard died a hero and saved the galaxy from the oppression of genocidal robots.

    I wasn't bothered by Starkid's assertions for the necessity of the Reapers, because I viewed it as the rantings, self-justifications of a mass murderer. I didn't want to argue with him, because I was just looking for the "KILL ALL THE REAPERS" button. I saved the Geth, but was more than willing to kill them and the Reapers. So, no, I got the conclusion I was looking for and was satisfied.

    P.S. Marketing people are paid to turn negatives into positives. Also, the quote they pulled is objectively true; they just happen to omit the context ;)
    Last edited by Joran; 2012-04-16 at 03:33 PM.