Quote Originally Posted by LordShotGun View Post
But the ad specifically says that the reaction was toward the endings. While I agree that ME3 was over all pretty good, the ad is calling out the fan hatred towards the endings and calling it a good thing.
As I routinely say, not all the fans hated the endings. Their statement in the ad is accurate - the response has been loud, and it is all the louder because not everyone is shouting the same thing, nor will they - ever.

Quote Originally Posted by LordShotGun View Post
The rest of the game aside, can you really say that you had zero problems with the ending?
Zero problems? No, of course not; the endings are inadequate, so I'm looking forward to the EC as much as everyone else is. The difference is that I'm so close to being satisfied already that they'd really have to drop the ball to upset me, and I doubt that's going to happen.

The endings quite simplyhave more potential than the vocal minority are willing to give them credit for. And while I can agree that it is a failing to force the fans to fill in the blanks of your narrative themselves, many fans choose to fill those blanks anyway - just with the gloomiest, dreariest doomsday scenarios they can conjure up instead.