Quote Originally Posted by Luzahn View Post
Yup. I applaud their audacity.

And on the ending morality itself, I may disagree with the principle behind our choices from a moral stance, but that's a personal issue. If they are at least well done, they will be perfectly acceptable.

Though my ideal response will always be shooting the starkid in the head/holoprojector and having the fleets go out in a blaze of defiance while taking the reapers with them.
There is an episode of the Dilbert Cartoon where he goes to work for the perfect engineering company making products meant to better humanity. Then mentions that its odd they don't have a marketing department which leads them to making one and going straight hell.

Marketing, communications, lobbying is all the same thing as a giant jerk trying to impress a girl at the bar. They are going to throw out everything they have at this shot and if it works great if not, well they well just move one stool down. Its about broad based marketing and mass info.

I've worked in politics, its the same darn thing. Just say what you want to say and hopefully you get that 50+1%. Same thing here, just push your line and hopefully you get enough people to keep buying.

Quote Originally Posted by Joran View Post
Not directed at me, but I can jump in. Yes. I had zero problems with the ending.

I had the common nitpicks (where did Starkid come from, why is Joker running away, although I attributed Joker running away to me killing EDI and him trying to save her), but I got my big boom, my galaxy-saving, Reaper-slaying blast. My Shepard died a hero and saved the galaxy from the oppression of genocidal robots.

I wasn't bothered by Starkid's assertions for the necessity of the Reapers, because I viewed it as the rantings, self-justifications of a mass murderer. I didn't want to argue with him, because I was just looking for the "KILL ALL THE REAPERS" button. I saved the Geth, but was more than willing to kill them and the Reapers. So, no, I go the conclusion I was looking for and was satisfied.

P.S. Marketing people are paid to turn negatives into positives. Also, the quote they pulled is objectively true; they just happen to omit the context ;)
I think they were hoping for more reactions like yours. You filled in the blanks to make the story fit your desired outcome. And for you it worked.

The problem comes with blanks being filled in by such a large and disparate group of people that turmoil is inevitable. Look at the looooong debate Psyren and I have had about the potential Galactic Dark Age. Or on how without lasting peace synthesis is just body horror, my stance.

If they had just had us hit the button kill the reapers and the Relays went, without the Catalyst then I think it would have worked better. But so many blanks and plot twists are introduced in such a short time. 14 lines of Dialogue expound an idea mentioned only a handful of times, extrapolate it into the final definition of the a conflict spanning a trilogy and wrap it up all at once. That's a recipe for disaster.