Streets Outside Trog's, Chasing Lintha

Javert grumbles. She had somehow gotten wherever sshe was so fast! But, he saw the direction she went. So he doesn't walk, he's not all that fast. Instead the drow shade lets his body change into an inky black avatar of shadow. It bursts into the sky with a loud noise. It looks like a swirling mass of smoke, constantly whirling. It flies like a bullet viewing the streets of Inside. It has wonderful eyes and eventually sees Lintha. He couldn't let her run! She was drunk, wounded, and bent on revenge....not good...of course, he was just as angry at whoever bombed him. The failed assassination attempt stirred the drows paranoia. He'd have to go through his list of enemies later. He shoots to the ground with the force of a bullet. He'll smash into the ground by Lintha. He'll then change back to normal Javert. Lintha! Wait!