Legion Transport

The triplets drop back down from the hatches into the hold, opening fire on Narahar once more. Of course, they've got to be more careful now that the enemy is actually within the APC. Bullets could rebound off the armor, or they could end up shooting a comrade if they're not. So each only manages to fire at the priest once or twice before Teq closes the distance to Narahar and it becomes too risky to fire into the melee.


Already reeling, the battlemage doesn't have a chance. He's summarily beaten unconscious, the constant barrage of punches keeping him from regaining enough composure to cast or even wage more mundane counter-attack.

And now Zefir's after the Objects. They aren't hard to sense. No less than four of them, four precious, precious objects, lying just out of view behind the stands. And the two battlemages nearby are already too occupied dealing with his spider-mine to stand in his way.

Fields- By the Stands

This time the one battlemage still capable of walking doesn't make the same mistake by moving, confident that he's well out of the blast radius. Instead, he closes his eyes and begins to cast, not moving a muscle, just whispering arcane words behind the quieting confines of his mask.

But he will have to move soon enough. Meaning that the spidermine must be removed by some means, and that he must call in one last favor from his dying companion.

The battlemage with the earth dagger run through his chest, already on the very edge of death and fast fading, just manages to raise his hand and wave at the spidermine. Not a fast movement nor a strong one, but it should be enough to draw the automated explosives attention. At least it's a quicker death than bleeding out.