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Thread: How would you mentor Shinji Ikari?

  1. - Top - End - #24
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default Re: How would you mentor Shinji Ikari?

    I think Shinji should be placed in group thearpy under Dr. Emil Skoda. Shinji's fellow patients are the following.

    1. Nathan Ford
    2. Parker
    3. Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden
    4. Steve Rogers A.K.A. Captain America (he has some unresolved feelings over the death of James "Bucky" Buchanan Barnes, but mostly he's here to provide moral support to the others)
    5. Bruce Wayne A.K.A. Batman
    6. arguably Malcolm Reynolds
    7. Dwight McCarthy
    8. both Terra Branford and Celes Chere
    9. Doctor Victor Fries A.K.A. Mister Freeze
    10. Buffy Summers
    11. a sizable protion of the cast of Puella Magi Madoka Magica
    12. Marv
    13. Micheal Westen

    A good number of fellow patients could also help mentor Shinji as well.
    Last edited by Agrippa; 2012-04-21 at 11:16 AM.