Quote Originally Posted by Zevox View Post
I think the latter spun out of the former. My basic point for why I picked it is because the other options are unacceptable. Destroy kills the Geth, and hell no I'm not committing genocide on an entire species - one I struggled to save not too long ago - when there are alternatives available. Control is risky as all get out - there's no indication of how you'll maintain control over them given you'll be dead, and there's always the rather huge concern about them breaking free or someone less than totally responsible and moral getting their reigns and abusing them. You know, the things that would've lead to you arguing against it with the Illusive Man.

By contrast, the only real problem with Synthesis is that some people might not like becoming part robot. Which ranks far lower on my list of concerns than genocide or the risks of the control option.

Except for the part where you'd lose. You've known from the start that you can't defeat the Reapers conventionally, and it's not like the battle with them was going in your favor before you got the Crucible running.

See, where I came from in choosing synthesis is that if people are alive then scientists could work to undo the effect, if they even wanted to undo it. That's a much better alternative than genocide to the Geth or unreliable control.

Quote Originally Posted by TheLaughingMan View Post
I gotta say, one good ending completely undermining three terrible ones wouldn't make me lose any sleep at night.
Um, how would doing nothing be a good ending? You said that letting millions die left you uncomfortable, but if you ignored the Catalyst and just blew up the whole thing, then billions would die and the entire cycle would lose to the reapers.

I dunno, after reading this whole thread and the last one, I kinda think some people here actually wouldn't be satisfied with anything except bouncing blue babies.