Quote Originally Posted by LordVader View Post
I still don't buy it, for several reasons.

The first is that his eyes are untouched, and he can clearly move his mouth. That means he can have a reaction to something Koh does; he can still emote, and thus can still have his face stolen.

The second is, what possible motivation could Koh have for helping this guy? Koh's creepy as hell, but he helped the Avatar the last time the Avatar found him, and Koh displayed no proclivity toward destroying the Avatar or anti-bender sentiment.

As such, it might as well be any spirit. I don't believe Amon's claims, but even if I did, there's no evidence to suggest Koh's involvement over any other spirit.

I think we'll quite likely see Koh again, but I don't think it'll be as Amon's mysterious spirit ally.
I don't mind you disagreeing with it. Yes, it assumes a fair bit of truth in Amon's speech and capitalizes on our lack of knowledge about Koh and what motivations he could possibly have. But you were saying before that it shouldn't even be discussed because you find it so implausible. From what we know, it's really not that ridiculous of a theory.