[Story Time!]

Freddy listens to the story, flicking his ear every now and again whenever Lily pokes at it. Hopefully she won't decide that this is silly enough to continue doing for an extended period of time. That might get bothersome.

The story is kind of... strange to him. Back home death had always been a part of the world. Ever since the Emperor and the Huntress had created it. Death was just the boatman who took people to their final destination, whether into the bleak black heavens or the warm embrace of the earth.

Sure you miss people when they die. But there's always the chance to see them agai-

Oh... yeah...

The Huldra's ears droop as he slumps a bit. He's a beast of Discord now. He'll never walk the streets of the Golden City. And he'll probably never get to see his sister, either. She had been so young... she's probably finished with her penance in the Emperor's Refinery already...


Now Freddy is sad... Someone should give him pets.