Quote Originally Posted by Dhavaer View Post
If you meant to type 'rares' there, the highest rarity of weapon mods is uncommon. They don't count for the guaranteed uncommon in Veteran Packs, though, so normal Spectre packs might be the way to go.
Huh. That's odd. I know for a fact that the shotgun shredder mod came with a gold border, because I got three in a row and kept railing about how weird that was (assumed at the time the color indicated rarity).

Quote Originally Posted by Zevox View Post
Right there is your problem.
Fair enough.

I'm not assuming that people are playing for the purpose of maximizing their score, I'm assuming that they're playing
That that right there is your problem. Because when one guy flies all around and purposefully killing guys everyone else aimed at - often in a different area specifically so the vanguard won't do this - the other three aren't playing. And I know your usual response; you've never seen this. But everyone else complaining about it? Everyone who auto-kicks vanguards from the team or who drops out immediately when a vanguard shows up onthe lobby? They have.

It's not so prevalent anymore, but you'll still get snipers who wait for you to drop somethingms health, kill your target - and then suggest booting you for not carrying your weight. Or the guy who gets thirty more melee kills while you bleed next to him while the mission timer counts down. Or any other number of directly score-related "Richard" moves. Having a scoreboard which rewards this baffles me.

Personally? I think the mission synopsis should show medals, medal values, and total for the squad. That's it. In the same way you only find MP palatable as modified SP, I only find it palatable as a team game.

I'm totally behind expectations, especially unreasonable ones, being the reason folks complain about these sorts of things. But expecting to play a game when I turn it on isn't unreasonable, even if expecting a class not to play to its strength is. And honestly, this doesn't bother me much personally. But it is a thing which happens, and I know the scoreboard is one of the reasons. All the guys talking about their awesome score (who commit these crimes) are proof.