I was reading the last comic (851) and trying to translate to in core material. I can't, but I think I can do with some SRD help.

For me, the three first panels are an example of sidestep charge (prety subpar feat, but the description is exactly what we see at panel 2) and Improved Trip (Roy dosen't gain AdO).

In the two next panel wee see Snatch arrow and use the arrow as improvised weapon (there are some precedents in comic), this can be a use of Snatch Arrow (depends on the DM) or that Tarquin have a feat like Hold the line or something, wich implies he have Combat Reflex.

And we arrive at the Tarquin main action (since now we only see AdO and free actions), he grab Durkon and ¿use as improvised weapon? I don't know how grab him (because don't look like a pin) AND throw him in the same round (Grapple as atack 1 and throw as imporvised weapon as atack 2 in a full combat round?)

Wow, it's a very impresive round, really.