'Unfortunately no. The battle hall has a strict set of rules. The first pize is worth more than the second, third or even fourth prize. We give it out in celebration of new trainers getting into our little club. But there are other ways to earn type shifters, if you really need more.'

'You can forgo a gym badge for a type shift of that type, you could ask a type Ace, or you could battle the hall master. That would be me. I'm steel type, the best defensive type there is. That's why we don't give out steel type shifters, everyone would want one. Oh, and the rank 6 prize is another type shifter of your choice, but includes steel and even a dragon type.'

'And not all Battle halls are Type Battles. Some are weather, or landscape challenges. The only thing about Battle Hall is that each are random and designed to give a new challenge you must adapt for. Here we see how you handle not knowing what type you'd face. And if you come back tomorrow, any who didn't get in today can try again tomorrow. That stops those trainers who get a battle, don't like it, quit, then ask for another straight away.'