The Kingdom of Ghares

Messages. ESP-D 9.

The Deep Trolls
"What!? I thought their kind couldn't do magic!" Matt shouts a loud after a deafening silence that lasted for a few minutes after the last thing they heard from the Troll. "It's.. I don't know what it is." Evenar admitted. "It doesn't feel like magic at all. But it's not something I can explain." And this caused his eye to twitch. It was aggravating. If it had been magic, at least he would understand that such an act was beyond his reach. If he saw signs of technology, at least he knew that it was in somebody else's field. But this? Unsettling.

And then Scribe Volx'zasd had tried to tell him how to use magic? This whole thing did not add up and Evenar started to wonder if Volx'zasd had really been a Deep Troll at all. In any case, his companions did not really know what to make of this situation either. So they did what they deemed best. Leave this place and focus on their task at hand, doubting and thinking about what they had seen.

The Mercantilis Imperia and the Deep Trolls
During the stay of Evenar Mistlemoor and his companions, he had ordered one of them, Warren Borck, to be on the lookout for information regarding Deep Trolls. Warren was somewhat discreet about it, but he did not go to the efforts necessary to really keep it a secret. Instead, he tried to find out information amongst the other populace about what they knew about Deep Trolls and did not mind if people from the Mercantilis Imperia knew he asked. If they wanted to know why he asked, the answer was simple. A person claiming to be a Deep Troll had been present on their ship, and his presence had been peculiar, hence the attempt to find out more about their kin, if there had been any before who matched such a profile not entirely matching up with what they knew of Deep Trolls.